The St. Cecilia Society is dedicated to the promotion of sacred music within the setting of parish liturgies and special events. The aim is to bring to life the beauty of masterpieces of sacred music spanning the centuries, to offer periodic liturgies and concerts involving sacred music in our beautiful church, and to help defray the costs of supporting these ministries. 

Projects envisioned to be administered through this fund:

  • Extraordinary Form Requiem Mass with the Faure Requiem sung by our Schola Cantorum and members of the parish choir with instrumentalists
  • Choral Scholar Program
    • College students studying music will be hired to support the parish choir as section leaders throughout the year. This gives students the opportunity to hold a music leadership role and learn more about this vocation while the choir benefits from the added stability in each section. 
  • Sung Choral Vespers
    • Sacred music and prayer
  • Music Formation Days
    • Established Catholic musicians will present formational workshops and retreats for our volunteers, as well as sacred music concerts for our parish community.

Donations may be made through the St. Thomas online giving system via the St. Cecilia Society Fund.

Checks may be made payable to St. Thomas and noted that the contribution is for the St. Cecilia Society.

Thank you for your support and your prayers for this important ministry!

St. Thomas the Apostle Church