Intention: For Families

As we pray, let’s call to mind the faces and names of families in this parish.

Let’s ask St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family,  to pray with us and for us all.

Each prayer begins:

Lord Jesus, we unite ourselves to your most bitter passion. 

We come under the covering and cleansing of your Precious Blood, poured out for the whole world.

Each prayer ends:

For this we pray, O Jesus. Amen

Thank you for the gift of marriage. Help all couples live as witnesses to your own abiding covenant with us … Pour into them exactly the graces they need now to love one another according to your will.

We lift up all engaged couples …Through the help and counsel of good mentors and friends, prepare them for their new vocation and bring them joyfully to their wedding day.

We pray for marriages in trouble … Into confusion and darkness, shine a ray of light. Provide resources within and without that enable these men and women to remain faithful and hopeful.

We intercede for families wounded by divorce …You are the Redeemer: you work everything together for good! So we pray in faith that you would give broken families the grace to forgive one another and receive your healing.

We pray for those who long to be married but have not yet found a spouse and also for all couples struggling with infertility … We ask you to console them. Show them how to best fulfill their desires for intimacy and life-giving love.

Be near to those who deal with same-sex attraction … Secure them their identity as your beloved sons and daughters. Help them find fulfillment in living according to your will.

We remember parents everywhere … Give all mothers and fathers, especially new ones, the grace to persevere in faithful love, to remain open to life, and to access the wisdom they need to raise their children.

We thank you for those who have generously provided homes to children without families … Jesus, you were a foster son. Place deep within all adoptive children a sense of security and belonging.

Please help single parents find creative ways to overcome their unique challenges … Provide for them; inspire good people to support them and fill any gaps that their children experience.

We thank you for all families who have welcomed children and extended family members with special needs or chronic illnesses … What a beautiful witness they are in this world, which rejects all that is not attractive, not productive. Infuse caregivers with energy, courage, and supernatural love when they run dry.

Jesus, we bring to you today all the sick and injured in our family and those struggling with the effects of the COVID crisis … Please grant healing, even miraculous healing, as a sign of your love and power. And where physical healing is not granted, inspire courage and trust in your goodness.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, comfort with your tender compassion those who have lost family members, especially parents who have lost children … Lighten their grief and strengthen the hope of heaven within their hearts.

We lift up to you now all the prayers written in our parish books of intercession, the prayers of our pastor, Fr. Bill, and those special intentions submitted to the Powerline Prayer Team .

Gathering up all these intentions, we implore You, Jesus, for the mending of every breach, the healing of every wound, the forgiveness of every sin. We ask for the lifting of oppression, deliverance out of danger, strength in trial, solace in sorrow. We ask for an infilling of sanctifying grace, and for an outpouring of the actual graces needed at this moment. We ask for angels to guard us, for the mantle of Mary to enfold us, and for the prayers of the saints to protect us. Most of all, we plead for more of the Holy Spirit, and for greater faith, hope, and love in every heart.

Our Father / Hail Mary / Glory Be

St. Thomas the Apostle Church

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