Upper School (9-12) Features

St. Thomas the Apostle High School is our “UPPER SCHOOL,” ultimately to include the 9th – 12th grades by 2025.

A Transformative Classical Catholic Education. Celebrating over 150 years of life-changing Catholic Education. 


“We can’t think of a better place for him to grow and thrive academically, spiritually, and socially.” – Eric & Nan, St. Thomas parents

“What I appreciate the most about St. Thomas has been the focus on the complete education of the human person, instead of just a more narrow vision of academic excellence.” – Kurt, St. Thomas parent


As a Catholic school, we pursue an education integrated with the Catholic Faith as it has been handed on and lived in Christ’s Church, pointing the students to love and wisdom. 

As a classical school, we are rooted in the sources of the Western Tradition and pursuing a vision of transcendent reality by way of the 7 Liberal Arts. 

With an integrated approach, we are united by a shared vision, much as the soul unites the human body. Our teachers form a community of friendship, supporting each other in the work of passing on the worship, ideas, and habits of a Catholic


Curriculum Overview


The Three Pillars of Our Work

Veritas – pursuing the Truth with love and rigor

Pax – ordering the day in the peace of God, forming students in the habits of contemplative silence and prayer.

Bonum – loving what is true and excellent in an incarnational way, a way of living the Faith, a culture. 

Hallmarks of St. Thomas the Apostle High School 

Daily Mass and monthly confession 

Daily prayer grounded in Ignatian Spirituality Integrated Catholic liberal arts curriculum 

Small class sizes facilitate discussion 

Immersive missions – formation through meaningful work during the school day 

Boys’ and Girls’ Household formation, sport, and fellowship 

The intersection of the arts and spirituality – Iconography, Schola 




St. Thomas the Apostle School expanding to Eleventh Grade Fall 2024. For enrollment inquiries please contact the school office: msauter@sta2.org or 734-769-0911

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School