Question of the Week: Why does Jesus tell us “do not let your hearts be troubled” when there is so much trouble in the world?
Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.
I never would have imagined that I would ever in my life see the time when my flock would not be able to come to Church to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
Growing up, you hear stories of oppressive regimes taking over countries, and people being barred from going to Mass. It is happening right now in various parts of the world.
We also know of many communities where there simply are not enough priests, so people are not able to receive the Lord each week. Over the years we have had many visiting priests who shared how they were in that very situation. Our hearts can have even more understanding and compassion for them now.
But here we are, my dear people!
I know our Bishop, along with others, is trying to find ways to reopen our parishes to the faithful. As I write this, I am waiting for more details forthcoming from the Bishop. In the meantime, I want you to know I and the whole staff miss you and love you.
Jesus says to us all, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and faith in me.” So we will! This week, we have begun making available appointments with Jesus via SignUpGenius, where you can come either as an individual or as a family to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. If you do not use email, or are not comfortable signing up online, please call the parish office (734-761-8606) and they will help you. We have a number of stations spread out around the parish grounds, outside, for this purpose.
Let’s keep praying more than ever for the end of the pandemic and for wisdom for all our Church leaders as we consider how to safely transition back into Sunday Worship of our Lord and God.
God bless you,
Fr Bill