Challenge is a club for 4th through 8th grade girls that helps them to form a personal friendship with Christ; to learn to hear and follow His voice. We have a team of six high school young women that help to lead the Challenge girls to learn more about Christ and the Catholic faith, using the Gospel, the Catechism, stories of saints and fun activities that emphasize different virtues. We have a blast while growing in faith and forming holy friendships!
For more information and how to join, please contact Teresa Gregor at or 734-755-6983.
Conquest is a national network of leadership programs, clubs, and camps for boys and young men 5 to 16 years of age. Through a fun program of Virtue instruction and sports, Conquest trains boys to become self-disciplined and confident young men, Catholic leaders who possess moral integrity and are committed to improving the communities in which they live.
Please contact Jim Gregor at 734.585.6413
Vacation Bible School
June 17th – June 21st 9am-Noon
Angels and Saints
or email Alex Wallo, Faith Formation Director at
We are in need of volunteers. Please contact Alex Wallo if you are interested at