Question of the Week: Which of the following do not describe what the Ascension of Jesus means for us and why?
- A bon voyage celebration for Jesus going to heaven.
- A reminder to us that now that Jesus is gone, the work of spreading the Good News is totally in our hands.
- A crowning of all the accomplishments of Jesus
- A promise of what is to come for those who follow Jesus
- The completion by Jesus of the Paschal Mystery
- Jesus took our human nature to heaven, and now it shares fully in Divine Glory
- Jesus gives us access to God the Father and intercedes for us
- God the Father has exalted His Son who sends us the Holy Spirit
- Jesus is closer to each of us now than He would have been, had He not ascended
I took this picture when I was in Rome visiting the home parish of one of our parishioners! It beautifully shows the Ascension of Jesus into heaven while the Apostles look on in amazement along with Mary.
We also see two angels with the Apostles, who ask them “Why do you stand staring into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
Jesus had already given them the Great Commission that we hear in this Feast’s Gospel from Matthew. “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
The work of making disciples is our primary mission. It is also central to our parish vision statement: St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church is a welcoming community that exists to make and equip missionary disciples through a transformative encounter with Jesus Christ, the Gate of Heaven. As Spirit-filled disciples, we connect and share life together, love and serve the greater community, and worship and adore the living God.
Nothing in our world changes that: no virus, no persecution, no trouble however great. Our mission does not stop until Christ comes again.
Big Announcement:
We are going to be reopening our parish for public Mass starting June 1 via signup.
The interior painting and work on the lights is done. The Bishop has allowed us to open, but attendance is limited to 150 people (25% capacity) within the Church. That won’t be a problem for daily Mass goers, so we will return to the normal daily Mass schedule.
- Daily Mass schedule beginning June 1:
- Monday – Friday 7am & 12pm
- Saturday 9am.
- Sunday Mass schedule beginning June 6 & 7:
- Senior Masses: Saturday 4:30pm & Sunday 8am in the church (seniors and caregivers only)
- Outdoor Masses: Sunday 10am & 1pm in Fr. Gabriel Richard High School’s stadium
- Indoor Mass: Sunday 6pm in the church
- Why we are going to REQUIRE a signup for all Masses:
- Interior space is strictly limited to 150 people.
- Outdoor space is limited by parking and proper social distancing
- Proper planning is necessary
More details on how to sign up will be coming soon.
- Everyone will be required to wear a Mask:
- This is for safety. We do not want the virus to spread. We also want to keep our vulnerable population safe.