Check this page regularly to learn more about upcoming events at St. Thomas! For a complete listing of St. Thomas activities and functions, please see our parish calendar.
School Open House
Monday, January 20, 9-11 a.m.
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School has flexible preschool options, an excellent classical curriculum for kindergarten through twelfth grade, and a strong Catholic identity. Interested in learning more? Attend our open house. to take a tour, meet current parents and students, and see our peaceful and welcoming culture in action!
Learn More About Our SchoolBaby Shower & Breakfast
Sunday, January 26, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Hosted by the Respect Life Committee and the Knights of Columbus of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in the Parish Hall
Games and prizes for children!
Please bring a gift for one of our local pregnancy help centers: Family Life Services, Arbor Woman, Guadalupe Workers, and Catholic Charities. Although donations of any sort are gratefully accepted, we especially request gift cards and monetary donation instead of material goods. This allows the centers we serve to purchase exactly what they need.
Give online: Visit and click on the online giving portal. Select “Respect Life Online” and enter “BABY SHOWER.”
Give by check: Make the check out to “St. Thomas the Apostle Parish” and write “BABY SHOWER” in the memo line.
The Miracles of Jesus
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:45 p.m.
January 29 – March 5
Join us for our winter parish ministry series!
Jesus performed many signs and wonders in his public life. These miracles teach us about Jesus’ character, His power, His role as Messiah, and the spiritual principles of repentance, faith, and love.
Through scriptural study, video clips from The Chosen, prayer, testimonies of modern-day miracles, and group discussion, participants will dive deeper into the different miracles of Jesus and learn how they can transform our lives today.
This six-week series will include dinner, engaging content, lectio divina, prayer, and small groups for married and engaged couples, men, women, and young adults.
Cost: $60 for adults, $30 for young adults, and free for students. Scholarships are available and no one will be turned away.
If you have any questions about The Miracles of Jesus series, please contact Caroline Gambale-Dirkes at or Katie Muise at
Register HereBenefit Concert
Sunday, February 3, 3 p.m.
The St. Cecilia Society presents a benefit concert to support children’s music ministry at St. Thomas. The concert will feature cellist Anthony Elliot and St. Thomas chamber musicians. All are welcome!
Chinese New Year Celebration
Monday, February 3, 6 p.m.
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with Mass, Dinner, and a Traditional Chinese Performance
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is offering a Mass in Mandarin for Chinese Catholics and friends to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. John Shi and Fr. Yongli (John) Chen at 6 p.m. followed by a Chinese dinner and a traditional Chinese musical performance. All are welcome! Please register by clicking the button below. If you have any questions, email Caroline Gambale-Dirkes at
Register HereDinner & Dance Date Night
Saturday, February 8
RSVP by February 2 for this celebration of marriage!
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church’s Marriage and Pro-Life Ministries present a couples’ date night with dinner and dancing!
The evening will begin with Mass at 4:30 p.m. The event begins at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall and includes a professional dance lesson.
$60 per couple
Register HereCouples Prayer Series
Tuesdays, March 4 – April 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Parish Hall
Cost: $20/couple, register a table
Childcare is available at registration
Scholarships: Contact Caroline Biskner at
Lenten Toddler Atrium
Tuesdays, March 11 – April 8, 10:45-11:30 a.m.
We hold two sessions a year for little ones ages 18 months to 36 months. The aim is to begin to expose our children to elements of the faith at their most receptive times of growth. Doing this allows them to have the words and knowledge of the Father’s love, mercy, and desire for us. Using themes throughout the weeks of Lent we can help lead our little ones to his Sacred Heart.
We are asking for a $10 fee to help grow the little materials used for this atrium.
We are also looking for more people who are being called to be trained in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Prayerfully consider being trained as a level 1 catechist or aide, and we will find a training for you to be certified.
The sessions are held in Room 250 in the parish office. Coats can be hung up along the opposite side of the door on the wall rack. Come in at the green awning (there is a button to be buzzed in) and the front desk will help direct you.
Space is limited, so register soon!
Jerk or Jerkette Series
How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk or Jerkette
Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., March 12 – April 2 (4 sessions)
In this course for young adults (18-35), certified instructor James Coffey will teach us how to develop healthy dating and relationship habits so that you can follow your heart without losing your head!
This course would benefit any unmarried adult who desires to be married. That includes singles, dating, or engaged couples, regardless of relationship history. Participants will learn about the Relationship Attachment Model, an interactive tool that identifies five bonds that make up a relationship: Know, Trust, Rely, Commit, Touch. Participants also learn to explore the five strongest predictors of what a partner will be like in a long-term relationship, specifically marriage. The predictors are family background, attitudes and actions of the conscience, compatibility potential, examples of relationship patterns, and skills of healthy relationships.
Cost for snacks and materials: $10 per person
If you cannot afford this, please contact Katie Muise at to inquire about a scholarship. No one will be turned away!
Coffee with Converts
Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
All OCIA candidates and catechumens, as well as all St. Thomas parishioners who are converts to the Catholic faith or entered the Church through St. Thomas, are invited to come enjoy bagels, coffee, and tea in the St. Thomas Parish Hall. Come share your stories and enjoy some time getting to know other people who have experienced or are experiencing becoming Catholic. Included will be some testimonies from converts at different stages of their conversion journeys.
Please RSVP HereGreen & Gold Gala
Saturday, April 5, 5:30-9:30 p.m.
3050 Jackson Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Please join us for St. Thomas the Apostle School’s Green & Gold Gala. Proceeds raised from the evening will go to the St. Thomas scholarship fund. This fund helps to ensure that all children can attend our school, regardless of financial circumstances.
Get TicketsEsther Bible Study
Every Other Week on Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m.
January 14 – April 8
Esther grows; how can we? Esther improves her physical, intellectual, and spiritual self with God’s direction and the assistance of others. In this Bible study, we will examine how to apply the principles that Esther used to be chosen as queen to our own life. We will meet in the Parish Library.
High School Youth Group
Thursdays, 7-9 pm
Room 250 or Media Center
Contact Renee Bayer at
Challenge & Conquest Groups
Join Challenge Today
Challenge is a club for 4th–8th grade girls that helps them to form a personal friendship with Christ, to learn to hear and follow His voice. We have a team of six high school young women that help to lead the Challenge girls to learn more about Christ and the Catholic faith, using the Gospel, the Catechism, stories of saints, and fun activities that emphasize different virtues. We have a blast while growing in faith and forming holy friendships! For more information and how to join, please contact Teresa Gregor at 734-755-6983 or Challenge meets every other Saturday.
Join Conquest Today
Adoration & Prayers
24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays at 9 a.m. to Saturdays at 9 a.m.
We need adorers! Click the button below to sign up. Please contact James Kachman at with any questions.
Need Prayer?
Please email your prayer intentions to Our team will then pray for your intentions, especially during our weekly 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration.
Sign Up for Adoration HereSunday Drive
Hungry People Need Your Help!
In these cold winter months, the Food Pantries really need our support! Most weeks, we fill the two small cans with food, which is great, but the larger one is still empty. If only four people per Mass brought one bag of dry goods,* that would be twenty. So if you haven’t yet supported the Sunday Drive, make it a habit to pick up just a little extra when you do your shopping and drop it in one of our four convenient locations* when you come to Mass:
- In the wooden hamper found in the front vestibule
- In the labeled trash can near the steps to the parking lot
- In the smaller labeled cans outside the front door on the plaza and outside the side entrance on Elizabeth Street
* Cans and jars freeze outside in the winter, so dry good only, please! And, remember, everything must be within the expiration date and in the original, unopened packaging with its nutritional label.
The canisters may be returned to the collection basket or parish office. Your contributions will go a long way in making a difference in the lives of those in need, especially during the winter.
First Fridays for Tots
11am-11:45 a.m.
Tots and their caregivers spend time together in Eucharistic Adoration. Meet in the bridal room next to the women’s restroom. Tots play while adults have solo time to adore. There is no need to register. You may drop in at any session. For more information, contact Caroline Biskner at
Meals for Moms
Meals for Moms provides a gift of meals to parish families who welcome a child through birth, adoption, or foster placement. If you know of a parish family who recently welcomed a child or if you would like to help provide meals, please contact Ruth Atzinger at